
Are you a seasoned reader who sometimes wonders which book to choose next?

Or are you a novice, confused as to which book to select for your first read?

Do you enjoy reading short stories and poetry on the go?

Then, you have come to the right place!

Welcome to The Editor Reads!

Here, I post reviews of the books I read so that you can decide whether you want to read them or not. My interests in books vary across diverse genres, so be prepared to see all kinds of books here! (Perhaps not so much of the self-help kind, though.)

I also occasionally write short stories as well as poetry. It is sometimes accompanied by my travelogues, which range from meanderings within the city to experiences outside of it.

And about my musings; I write things I feel strongly about or something which catches my fancy.

Now, I’ll leave you to explore my world.

Thank you for stopping by!

Pssst… You can contact me as well, or say hello.
(Details on the last tab at the top of the blog!)